Dior has recently increased their prices on their iconic Saddle bags. Just before the upcoming release of the Spring/Summer 2019 Collection, prices have gone up another $100 for each size of the Door Saddle bag, which comes up to a 3% increase. While other bag styles has remained the same, prices are also expected to go up very soon.
Check out the differences on the old and new prices on the Dior Saddle bag style!
Style and Prices
Style |
New Price |
Old Price |
Dior Calfskin Medium Saddle Bag | $3,350.00 (USD) | $3,250.00 (USD) |
Dior Calfskin Mini Saddle Bag | $2,700.00 (USD) | $2,600.00 (USD) |
Dior Oblique Canvas Medium Saddle Bag | $2,950.00 (USD) | $2,850.00 (USD) |
Dior Oblique Canvas Mini Saddle Bag | $2,450.00 (USD) | $2,350.00 (USD) |
Source: Luxury Next Season